I Don't Know What to Read!!!

I Don’t Know
What To Read!!!!!

Book Suggester/Unsuggester- You can type in the name of a book and it will suggest other books that are like it. You can also use the unsuggester to type in the name of a book that you didn’t like and it will give you titles that are not like it at all!!

Just type in the name of the book or author that you like, select it from the list, and it will give you recommendations. – This one is probably my least favorite.

Book Wizard is from Scholastic. It lets you enter a title of a book you like and then narrow results by reading level.

You can search through the most popular books or search for a book you liked and see what other shelfari users suggest.

You can look up a book that you enjoyed, and see what books other people who liked this book are reading.